Goals for Professional Development (ongoing)

I can create a safe environment for anyone in my classroom.

I can represent every child’s cultural background in my classroom.

I can create meaningful relationships with my students so that they can have the best learning experiences that they can.

I can create critical thinkers that can take action in today’s society.

I can educate my students on the biases that I bring into the classroom, and show how to fix and identify them.

I can be aware of the differentiation in the classroom and work towards understanding the perspectives of both myself and my students.

I can continue to educate myself on the needs for equality vs. equity in society and my classroom.

I can continue to educate myself on the voices and perspectives of FNMI and other minority peoples, so that I can be more inclusive.

I can learn more how to plan for differentiation in my classroom so that I can adapt students learning to the best of their ability.

I can continue to reflect and add upon my teaching philosophises, as well as my goals for professional development.

I can be a life long learner myself, always reflecting and always learning.

My teaching philosophy here

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